========= Databases ========= (This is a lightly-edited copy of a brain-dump sent by Colin Watson to the ubuntu-phone mailing list, preserved here since it may be useful.) Click has multiple databases where packages may be unpacked: by default we have the "core" database for core apps (``/usr/share/click/preinstalled/``), the "custom" database for carrier/OEM customisations (``/custom/click/``), and the "default" database for user-installed applications (``/opt/click.ubuntu.com/``), although these are configurable in ``/etc/click/databases/``. Each database may have multiple unpacked versions of any given package. Each database may also have user registrations, which live in ``.click/users/`` relative to the database root. Each user has a subdirectory of that, which contains symlinks to the versions of each package they have registered. This means that on a tablet, say, I can install an app without it also showing up on my children's accounts; they'd need to install it separately, although the disk space for the unpacked copy of the app would be shared. There was an idea early on that we'd deal with preinstalled apps by going round and registering them all for all active users on first boot. This would have lots of problems for the packaging system, though. Most notably, doing it that way makes it hard for a user to remove an app and make it stick, because it would tend to reappear on system updates. You can probably fudge your way around this somehow, but it gets very fiddly and easy to get wrong. What we do instead is: we have an ``@all`` pseudo-user which you can register packages for, typically in the core database (``click register --root=/usr/share/click/preinstalled --all-users``). If a user wants to remove a package, we do this by creating a deliberately broken symlink pointing to ``@hidden`` in their user registration area in ``/opt/click.ubuntu.com/.click/users/$USERNAME/``. When click is asked to list the set of packages for a given user, it walks its way down the list of databases from top (default) to bottom (core). For each database, it checks registrations for that user, followed by registrations for ``@all``. It takes the first registration for any given package name that it finds. If that registration is ``@hidden``, then it ignores the package, otherwise it must be a link to the unpacked copy of the appropriate version of the package. There are still some things that can't be done just with static files in the image and instead have to be done at boot time and on session startup: we have to make sure the right AppArmor profiles are loaded, do things to the user's home directory like creating .desktop files, and that kind of thing. We run ``click hook run-system`` at boot time and ``click hook run-user`` on session startup, and these deal with running hooks for whatever packages are visible in context, according to the rules above. The effect of all this is that we can hide a core app for a carrier by doing this as root when preparing their custom overlay image:: click unregister --root=/custom/click --all-users PACKAGE-NAME This will create a symlink ``/custom/click/.click/users/@all/PACKAGE-NAME`` pointing to ``@hidden``. Unless a user explicitly installs the app in question, the effect of this will be that it's as if the app just isn't there. It shouldn't incur any more than a negligible cost at startup (basically just a readlink call); at the moment I think we might still create an AppArmor profile for it, which isn't free, but that can be fixed easily enough.